A Tribute to Books



I love books! I love reading! If anyone asks anyone I know, to mention one thing about me, I sincerely hope they mention I love books.

I was taught to read by my mum. That was hard work for her cause even though I was an intelligent child, I was extremely lazy as well (I’m not proud of that). With a lot of patience, sometimes though I am sure she was seriously frustrated with me, she taught me to read. In doing so, she opened a door to a lifetime of adventure!

The moment I grasped the concept of reading a part of me was lost to the world forever. As a kid I read every kids book and magazine that came my way! I remember, after school, I must have been 5 or 6; my dad would take me to our favourite magazine shop and buy me all the kid’s magazines with the stories and activities. He never failed to take me every week. I would arrive at home, sit down and bury myself in them. I wouldn’t even eat!  My mum of course did not find that amusing! I never threw away a single magazine my dad bought me. I had a cupboard drawer where I stored them beautifully and re-visited the pages when I felt like it. I guess that is where my love for owning and collecting reading material really began – with my dad’s help…

In this day and age of e-books and reading online or on IPads and all, I still prefer to own the tangible book. Most people find that weird. I think there is something beautiful about holding a book in your hands while reading. Of feeling the page as you turn it, the sound it makes; the smell of the book. All of this, I find, is part of the magic of reading! It’s enchanting to me to have the book in my possession. That means I can revisit its pages when I want. I love being able to run my hand along the spines of the books in my bookshelf. Knowing they are there is like knowing an old friend is near.

So where do I buy my books? Well, I love the smell of new books, I love the bright new covers, the freshness, but I love more the character of an old book. The ones with the worn out edges, the browned paper that crackles almost, as you turn the pages, the books with that old musty smell that tickles your nose. You never know the story of where they’ve been, whose lives they’ve touched – there’s a mystery about them and that appeals to my more romantic nature.

Books have been an important part of my life. They have helped me get through some tough times; they’ve guided me, opened my eyes to new things and opened my mind to new possibilities. They’ve made me question what I know, not only of the world but also myself. They’ve helped me grow. They’ve made me laugh, cry and feel without fear because in their pages I have been safe.  For this reason I will always love books!  

I highly recommend to everyone; take up a book; acquaint yourself with the pages. For all you know you might just discover something about you that you never knew!

It’s always an adventure! 

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